Covenants & Docs

Ortega Bluffs is a deed restricted community. Helpful information, including the Covenants and Restrictions can be found below. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For a complete copy of the Declaration of Covenants, Condition and Restrictions, please download the file below.

Covenants and Additional Homeowner Documents

All Documents are in PDF Format

Architectural Changes

Homeowners who would like to make changes to the exterior of their residence, including change of paint color, installing a fence, etc., must submit an Architectural Review Request Form. Please click on the link below and print out the form below.

Please be sure to include all the requested information and submit to Management:

Ortega Bluffs HOA
c/o The CAM Team, Inc.
2233 Park Avenue, Suite 103
Orange Park, FL 32073
Fax: 904-638-1435
ARC Email: